Commend outlines best practices for unified communications

May 9, 2022
Company publishes guide providing recommendations and considerations for organizations that want to unlock the full potential of their security tech toolbox
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Mahwah, N.J. — (May 9, 2022) Commend Americas, a provider of communication systems and solutions, today announced the availability of its Unified Communications Best Practices Guide that outlines recommendations and considerations to help organizations unlock the full potential of audio, video and security intelligence in mission-critical applications.

The amount of information businesses process each day continues to increase exponentially. The advent of the Internet of Things and the connected world drive data capture, communication, and information analysis to new levels. As these concepts and the communication tools that support them become more robust, the idea of unified communications represents an excellent opportunity to address emerging roadblocks and funnel communication more efficiently.

Unified communication is a framework that outlines an integrated way of sending and receiving messages in a straightforward, two-way manner. This effort includes multiple devices and components encompassing various tools and platforms in business communications.

“Integrated and unified communications ensure consistent, efficient communication across an organization,” said Tom Reilly, President, Commend Americas. “It eliminates communication silos, making it easier to share information where and when needed. Our Best Practices Guide explores how leaders can build this type of approach within their organization to realize sustained success and positive business and security outcomes.”

With five decades of experience optimizing audio and communications systems, the Commend team developed this guide to support proper unified communications design. It highlights considerations from environmental issues and systems integration requirements to regulatory standards and life-cycle management. Overall, these best practices are meant to assist organizations with designing and optimizing a comprehensive communications system. 

For more information or to access the guide, click here.