CompX Security Products

Grayslake, IL 60030


About CompX Security Products


715 Center St.
Grayslake, IL 60030

More Info on CompX Security Products

CompX Security Products domestically manufactures high quality locking systems under four brand names - CompX National, CompX Fort, CompX Timberline, and CompX Chicago. CompX Security Products is a subsidiary of CompX International which is traded on the NYSE MKT under the symbol “CIX”.

Products and Press Releases

Compx Regulator 10959375

RegulatoR from CompX

June 11, 2013
keyless, electronic push button cabinet lock
Compx 10225734


Feb. 9, 2011
CompX Timberline’s StealthLock is an innovative, keyless cabinet lock operated by radio frequency technology. Radio frequency enables multiple wood cabinet doors or drawers to...

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