ESA of Florida to host legislative event

Sept. 3, 2013
State Sen. Anitere Flores scheduled to speak

The ESA of Florida announced last week that it will host a legislative dinner at The Tower Club in Fort Lauderdale on Sept. 19 at 6 p.m.

According to a statement, State Sen. Anitere Flores (R-Miami) will be a guest speaker at the event.

"We're excited to kick off the activities of ESA of Florida with this legislative dinner," said Steve Paley, president of Rapid Security Solutions LLC and president of the ESA of Florida Board of Directors. "We're encouraging everyone interested in helping to grow the security integration and monitoring industry in Florida to attend."

The event is open to both ESA members and non-members and is free for those who register before Sept. 15.

"It’s an honor to have Sen. Flores speak to ESA of Florida members,” Paley said. “In addition to hearing Sen. Flores, we will also share updates on the development of ESA of Florida and the upcoming ESA Leadership Summit in Orlando.”

For more information or to register, click here or call ESA's Member Service Center at 888-447-1689.