Security tweet up at ISC East 2009

Oct. 29, 2009

We held a quick "tweet up" at the Cygnus Security Media ('s parent group) booth during ISC East 2009. Probably 4/5ths of the security tweeting/ISC East 2009 covering public was there (sorry we missed you, Sam), which is to say it was a small community hello.

Here's three of our attendees, (L to R) Paul Robinson of Timesight Systems; Mike Gluck of Timesight Systems and formerly with Pivot3; and Ari Erenthal, a regular contributor of our forums and member of the B&H surveillance team.

Here's to growing the Twittering of physical security. On Twitter already, here are the attendees from the tweet up. We recommend you follow them! (Ari Erenthal, surveillance product sales specialist at B&H) (Paul Robinson, marketing at TimeSight Systems) (Mike Gluck, formerly Pivot3, now TimeSight) ( twitter feed by Geoff Kohl --that's me!)
