Security firm offers training for zombies

Sept. 21, 2012
HALO Corp. to incorporate zombie epidemic at annual training event

As comprehensive as most enterprise risk management plans are, I seriously doubt many, if any, Fortune 500 security directors have had tabletop exercises or other training on how do deal with a potential onslaught of zombies. As laughable as it sounds, the security firm HALO Corp. is planning to offer training on the unlikely scenario at its annual Counter-Terrorism Summit next month in California, according to a story published by USA Today.

HALO President Brad Barker said that the intention of adding zombies to the company’s training regiment at a 44-acre resort near San Diego was to bring levity to what will be a series of intense, real-life situations that attendees (which include first responders and military personnel) will learn about such as responding to active shooters and terror attacks. Zombies will reportedly scour the resort where the summit is taking place, interfering with troops and medical personal as they respond to different situations. Click here to read the full story.