Gemalto North America

Arlington, VA 22203


About Gemalto North America


4401 Wilson Blvd.
Suite 210
Arlington, VA 22203

More Info on Gemalto North America

A leader in digital security and the world's leading provider of smart cards.

Products and Press Releases

Gemalto North 10217823
Reader Units

PROX DU smart card reader

Oct. 6, 2010
Gemalto's PROX DU smart card reader for physical and logical access control makes it convenient to securely access a host of applications using both contactless and contact technologies...
Gemalto North 10216907
Cards & Tokens

Bio-Sourced Degradable Smart Cards

Feb. 23, 2010
Gemalto has introduced bio-sourced degradable smart cards. The card body is made from renewable material, is easily recyclable and compostable, and can be incinerated without ...

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