VA Loan Desk Launches Eye in the Storm Blogs From War Veterans and Creates an Online Sensation

Feb. 25, 2009

LOS ANGELES , Feb. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- VA Loan Desk is not only making waves online with its efforts to offer American war veterans secure financial loans to purchase or refinance a home, but now they are streamlining mouthwatering blogs written by infantrymen returning from the front lines of today's troubled regions around the world.

Over the last five years, the "war on terror" in the Middle East has divided public opinion in the United States . Most people don't seem to be able to put their arms around the fact that the United States has military personnel deployed all over the world fighting in battles that are not always covered by the media. The lack of coverage on war-returning Veterans has inevitably caused a less obvious divide -- between the general public and the individuals, families, and communities touched directly by the experience of war. In this climate, voices representing the direct experience of war are often stifled or misheard or hijacked by those who seek to polarize the debate over the war. What is equally startling is the lack of information available to the public regarding Veterans returning from traumatic tours of duty.

VA Loan Desk's blogs is part of an all-out effort to support the troops returning from war and to generate an authentic representation of what it means for a soldier to fly to the other side of the planet to fight in a situation he or she may not have been prepped for due to disclosure regulations for National Security purposes -- only to eventually return home and try to assimilate back into a civilized way of life. In this regard, VA Loan Desk's website is now giving service men and women returning from violent tours of duty not only an opportunity to tell their stories without any censorship or interference from political agendas, but to offer them practical support to rebuild their lives. The blogs are real and offer online readers a chance to get first-hand accounts of what it means to be on the front lines of war where their lives were in constant danger and the challenges they incur in their return to the United States .

To this end, by streamlining these blogs from war veterans, VA Loan Desk aims to create a bridge for conversation across these new fault-lines and to understand better the capacities of different forms of storytelling to reach across boundaries and build connections at the human level.

The blogs are accompanied by photos which make the wars currently being fought very real and takes into consideration the human factor of what it means to have members from our own neighborhoods living with the fear of being captured or killed in battle and the impact that has on them when they return home.

Each blog brings the war into the homes and laptops of curious browsers everywhere, depicting unimaginable narratives of courageous soldiers with the pure scope of genuine examples of bravery, sacrifice and perseverance under the most extraordinary circumstances. As anyone can imagine the stories are tales of heroes and show bravery and courage like one could only read in comic books.

VA Loan Desk offers loans, refinancing plans, pay charts and streamline loans for members of the military. Each plan is available online at the website and easy to navigate with assistance available to anyone with questions. To get a free, one-minute VA Streamline Refinance quote request, visit now.

For additional information on VA Loan Desk, visit

For more information contact: Kelly Guy 1SEO Experts [email protected] 888-736-1489


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