Elgin, Ill., Looks to Review False Alarm Ordinance

Nov. 29, 2005
Staff and consultant recommend city increase fine structure on its false alarm policy

Elgin, Ill., may soon adjust its fire and burglar alarm ordinance. Following a review by an outside consultant who pointed at a high number of false alarms in the city, Elgin's council will receive a proposed alarm ordinance update that would affect how the city deals with false burglar and fire alarms.

The proposed ordinance is likely to include an increasing fine structure for multiple false alarms after allowing a limited number for "free".

At current, the city's ordinance lets residences or business have four false alarms per year, and then shifts to fines of $100 for false alarms number 5 through 8, then $200 for numbers 9 and 10, and then $300 for 11th and additional alarms.

[Information from The Courier News Online.]