ISO developing new standard for private security

Aug. 9, 2013
ASIS, ANSI seeking participants for U.S. Technical Advisory Group

ASIS International announced this week that the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) will soon begin work on a new international standard based on the ANSI/ASIS.PSC.1: 2012 - Management System for Quality of Private Security Company Operations—Requirements with Guidance.

According to a statement, development of the new standard will be overseen by ISO Project Committee 284, Management System for Quality of Private Security Company Operations – Requirements with Guidance.

“PSCs play an important role in high risk environments supporting businesses, governments, infrastructure protection, disaster relief, and aid agencies,” said Marc Sigel, commissioner ASIS Global Standards Initiative and chairman of the ISO Project Committee. “This standard will provide a business sensible approach for PSCs to provide quality services, manage risks, and demonstrate accountability to the International Code of Conduct (ICoC), the Montreux Document, Human Rights Codes, and legal requirements. The ISO Project Committee welcomes the input of users of security services, providers of security services, civil and human rights organizations, legal experts, and other impacted parties and communities.”

ASIS and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) are looking for people to take part in a U.S. Technical Advisory Group for the new standard. Members of the group will advise ANSI on voting positions relevant to the proposed standard and will carry out detailed discussions on issues related to the standard’s development. Following the TAG’s accreditation by ANSI, ASIS International will head up the U.S. work effort by serving as the U.S. TAG administrator to ISO PC 284.

For more information about how to become involved in the group, complete the U.S. Tag Application Form at and submit it ASIS on or before Aug. 13.