Neurotechnology updates MegaMatcher 13.1 with new algorithms, identity management features

Feb. 13, 2024
Neurotechnology’s updated MegaMatcher product line includes improved biometric algorithms and advanced functionality for multitenancy and encounters management.

Vilnius, Lithuania – February 13, 2023  Neurotechnology, a global provider of high-precision biometric solutions, today announced the release of MegaMatcher 13.1, the updated version of the company's flagship biometric product line. The latest release features a new voice matching algorithm, an enhanced face recognition algorithm and significant functionality improvements for use in criminal investigations.

MegaMatcher 13.1 is equipped with Neurotechnology's latest multi-biometric algorithms, enabling exceptional recognition and identification capabilities with fingerprints, faces, irises, palm prints, latent prints and voices. These modalities can be utilized independently or together providing versatile and powerful biometric solutions for governments and enterprises. 

The updated MegaMatcher 13.1 products include a number of functional improvements and new algorithms with enhanced accuracy, speed and efficiency across multiple biometric identification modalities: 

  • The MegaMatcher Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) now supports hierarchical galleries, enabling the management of a biometric database in tiers, according to the defined subsets. In both civil ABIS and criminal ABIS scenarios, data can be sorted by different criteria, e.g. regions, cities and local stations, providing enhanced organization and efficiency.
  • Primary encounter selection in MegaMatcher ABIS allows the user to define programmatically which of the biometric encounters for each subject will be used in the matching phase, allowing more flexibility in settings with complex identity management workflows.
  • A new voice-matching algorithm is supported by MegaMatcher Accelerator and directly integrated into the MegaMatcher ABIS. This enables efficient voice identification and streamlines the recognition of individuals in large databases.
  • MegaMatcher ABIS received major enhancements for use in criminal investigations. The improved system contains Neurotechnology’s customized algorithm that has been tested at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Evaluation of Latent Fingerprint Technologies (ELFT). The algorithm is optimized to gain better accuracy while matching latent print versus known plain and rolled print collections.
  • Face template creation is optimized for better speed and also significantly reduced memory usage. This update provides even faster and more efficient face recognition processes.

MegaMatcher Product Line

MegaMatcher solutions leverage the company’s industry-leading proprietary biometric recognition algorithms to effectively process vast quantities of biometric data. Neurotechnology's biometric algorithms have achieved top results in independent technology evaluations, including NIST ELFT, SlapSeg III, MINEX III, PFT III, FRVT, and IREX 10.

The comprehensive MegaMatcher product line covers a wide range of biometric solutions, from a multimodal SDK and Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) to an established Identity Management System (IDMS) and the MegaMatcher Criminal IDRS and MegaMatcher Criminal Investigation products.

Neurotechnology’s MegaMatcher products can be tailored for elections, national identity, border control, law enforcement and other government and enterprise applications.