My girlfriend and I ventured out for spring shopping recently and landed for eats in The Cheesecake Factory. We love to shop until we drop and break bread together to discuss the trends of the times over a glass—or two—of wine. Stuff like the fact that Macy’s isn’t one bit like Marshall Fields (if you’re a born and raised or equally native Chicagoan like me you’ll understand) or how clothing has really nosedived in quality.
This time, we went in to re-evaluate The Cheesecake Factory. Several months back we dined at the ever-popular national chain and left disillusioned. Ordered items that weren’t available; waited for everything, including bread; had a repast that would disappoint even those who don’t figure themselves finicky. We decided to give them a second chance—and said so to each other upon entering. The experience was totally different. Our server was knowledgeable and attentive, suggesting specials and other on-target items. As always, we ordered two entrees, this time a large salad and a hot meal, relaying to our server our plans to share. Whoosh, there he appeared with our wine order; whoosh again, there he stood with two large plates for sharing with serving spoons, alleluia. (We’re usually left staring at our entrees and each other while the server scurries about for extra plates.) The food was good; the service was even better. We immediately noticed the changed dining experience. We tipped 20 percent and left satisfied, knowing that, for the time being, The Cheesecake Factory had won our approval and repeat business.
It was a gold star experience. The entire customer touch from start to finish was perfect. It made us want to go back again—and we clearly were on the fence prior.
Go for the Midas touch
What about you and your company? Do you make your customer touches a gold star experience, consulting with them on what’s best for their protected premises, making favorable suggestions, even if they don’t or won’t result in more business? Are you building relationships in the community and making a name for your company that people will remember—positively?
I too am working to create a gold star experience for you, my readers—so you’ll find value in what we have to say and so you’ll come back to the pages of Security Dealer & Integrator magazine. From front to back, this issue is a gold star experience. Check out the product showcase on fire and life safety, page 22. We’ve also got opportunities to espouse in the office and high-rise markets, page 46. Check out the piece on megapixels versus HD and get straight on what it all means, page 34. Also inside, the hot topic of remote monitoring—which equals RMR—starting on page 28, as well as all the other editorial that’s built with you, the value-added reseller, in mind. It isn’t easy bringing the best to your customers day in and day out, but it can be done. The rewards will come back in the way of more business and clients who know that you’ve presented the best to them and because of that they’ll likely stay a customer. Make every day a gold star experience.