In light of the recent spoiled attempt by terrorists to blow up planes departing London , England bound for the U.S. , the time was appropriate to once again visit with Senator Michael Balboni. Senator Balboni is Chairman of the New York State Senate Committee on Homeland Security. The senator is a strong proponent of the Alarm and Security Industry and feels it is a vital component in the homeland security of our nation. Here are his views on the role you play:
In many cases, your industry is our first line of defense and the first contact with law enforcement when security breeches occur. The products your industry supplies can stop terrorists in their tracks and they have. Just recently, video surveillance footage, telephone wiretaps and body wire recordings helped the FBI take down a terror plot to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago , and destroy buildings in Miami and other cities. And the horrific bombings in London 's subway last summer have drawn important attention to the need for increased mass transit security, especially video surveillance in the subways of New York City .
Simply put – we need you. We need your goods, we need your services, and we need your expertise. You are a vital cog in the homeland security wheel. Our security needs have never been greater in this country and from motion detectors, security cameras to the basic alarm system, we are counting on you to provide the nation with what it needs to be more secure from future acts of terrorism.
The homeland security market place has grown dramatically since 9/11. Several reports estimate that the U.S. market will top $100 billion dollars within the next five years. The growth in the marketplace means jobs and opportunities for businesses
The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) accounts for a majority of the federal spending on homeland security. To help navigate the homeland security marketplace, DHS has launched the “Open for Business” campaign. The campaign seeks to provide businesses with a centralized source of information on how to do work with DHS. You can visit the DHS website at to find out more about this program.
Here in New York , the Empire State Development Corporation, a state agency, offers a Homeland Security Business Clearinghouse that identifies businesses offering homeland security products, informs companies of contract opportunities and serves as a resource for state and local agencies seeking companies with homeland security capabilities. You can find out more information on the program at
Understanding the homeland security marketplace and the vulnerabilities and needs that exist are keys to success. This can be done by staying in tune with what's happening in Washington and in your home state. I urge you to take advantage of the resources I just mentioned.
The alarm and security industry already has a close working relationship with the federal, state and local governments and it is important that we continue to share the common vision and mission to protect the people and the infrastructure of our nation.