I got a virtual reality check as I proudly polished my Facebook profile, gleefully inviting new friends into my so-called sphere of influence. It came via new kid on the block Twitter. Seems it’s become an overnight sensation—while I was sleeping?
The Twitter microblogging site is getting all kinds of attention. It’s a way to post a quick commentary or note something of interest. There’s good and bad to this social networking site, like when Facebook users found that potential or current employers searched their profiles--and found photos and posted antics ranging from bare-butt mooning to chugging beer from a funnel.
The bad choice stuff aside, there are some positive emerging applications for Twitter and microblogging for security dealers and integrators. Case in point comes from a Chicago-based software engineer. According to The Chicago Tribune, train commuter Tony Zale found a way to link local Metra train service advisories/alerts to Twitter, where they are sent out as text message and provide instant notification of travel status. He devised the link in his spare time (why can’t I do things like that?) to deliver real-time alerts to any cell phone that can handle SMS.
For integrators, I’m thinking this would be a great way to send an alert to company colleagues– “just saw a new project going up on Main street”; or “spoke to someone at the Chamber of Commerce who says they are building a new technology center on Main street” or other info along those lines. For manufacturers, the tweet could go something like “met with an integrator who’s looking for new IP products; or “ran into a reseller in the bank who asked about Web-based access control.”
So let me give you SD&I’s current ‘Twitter in print’ (in 140 characters or less, of course). We’ve been doing some original research on the industry and here’s some preliminary data:
- 91 percent of survey respondents serve commercial customers; some 48 percent sell and install networked access control products.
- 76 percent have zero to 25 employees; sure the top tier of integrators generate billions but the rest of the installation universe generates double digit billions.
- The majority of readers name service as the primary way they grow their businesses.
SD&I is much like you. We too are changing, advancing technologically and addressing what you our customers (readers) really want—especially with growing dependence and reliance on the Web for news. Our goal is to build credibility in our knowledge of the industry, to get the community to rely on us, to be seen as your partner in developing successful business strategies to grow with. Check out the Table of Contents on pages 4 and 6 to see all we have to offer.
Don’t let yourself fall behind. Technology is here to help you grow your business—in many different ways. Let SD&I partner with you to show you how.
Deborah O’Mara, editorEditorial Advisory Board Members:
George P. Gunning, USA Alarm Systems Inc.
Michael Horgan, H&S Protection Systems Inc. Alan Kruglak, Genesis Security Systems LLC
Mickey Lavery, I2C Technologies
Richard A. Penney, VISCOM Systems
Adam C. Thermos LL.B., MA, Ph.D., Strategic Technology Group