Pelosi: We Remember the Victims of 9/11 and Rededicate Ourselves to Caring for First Responders
NEW YORK, Sept. 10 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to New York City today to highlight the 9/11 Commission recommendations finally becoming law, just before the sixth anniversary of the September 11th attacks. The Speaker attended a briefing with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at City Hall, and then visited the World Trade Center site with New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and Members of Congress from New York and discussed the health care needs of 9/11 rescue workers. Below are the Speaker's remarks at a press availability with Gov. Spitzer:
"Tomorrow, New Yorkers, Americans, and people around the world will look to New York City and to this hallowed ground as they pause and remember the tragic events of September 11, 2001
"Six years ago, terrorists attacked New York City because this city embodies the hopes and dreams of America. It is a place that pulsates with economic vitality and international culture. It is a community that values diversity and tolerance. And it is a city of progress and of the future.
"I have been here before privately and publicly many times, and what I have seen here today with my own eyes is dazzling. The goal of terrorism is to instill fear, and with this rebuilding, the message New York is sending is that the terrorists have failed.
"Progress, diversity, enterprise. These are the values that our attackers despise but that Americans embrace. And these are the strengths that will at long last defeat the radical philosophy inspired by al Qaeda and bring a measure of peace to the world.
"Today, I can report that we have made progress in better protecting America from another attack. Under this new Congress, we passed legislation to finally implement the bipartisan 9/11 Commission recommendations to strengthen homeland security and ensure that funding is directed to cities that face the greatest threat, such as New York. The 9/11 Commission recommendations are now law and America will be safer because of it.
"I want to thank the families of 9/11 victims who put their grief into action, and we will continue to deliver for the victims for 9/11. By passing the 9/11 Commission recommendations, the New Direction Congress did in six months what previous Congresses failed to do for almost six years. With this new law, we honored our solemn responsibility to protect and defend the American people.
"The enactment of the 9/11 Commission recommendations fundamentally alters the way America confronts terrorism and homeland security -- making our response more unified and effective. The new law closes loopholes and weaknesses that terrorist seek to exploit and that have left Americans vulnerable. And thanks to this legislation, federal funding for homeland security will now be focused on areas at greatest risk for attack -- such as New York City .
"And as we remember the victims, we must also rededicate ourselves to caring for the rescue, recovery, and rebuilding workers from all across this country who sacrificed their own personal safety and health. Following a briefing with Mayor Bloomberg earlier today, I pledged to the Mayor that I will work with him and Members of the New York congressional delegation on legislation to do justice for all Americans who were victims of the World Trade Center attacks.
"To those who risked their lives, I say, 'Thank you, we owe you more than you have received. You have challenged our conscience we are prepared to meet that challenge.' We want to document what these needs are and present a sustainable, positive proposal for how we go forward.
"Again, I want to thank Mayor Bloomberg and the New York Congressional delegation for their outstanding leadership. Just as we worked hard this year in Congress to finally put the 9/11 Commission's work to use, we will work to see that New York City and those who responded in the city's time of need receive the assistance that they deserve."
SOURCE Office of the Speaker of the House