WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- House Republican Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) issued the following statement today as Republicans prepare to force a vote on the floor of the House that would update and modernize our nation's terrorist surveillance laws:
"That Republicans are being forced to use parliamentary tactics to force this majority to consider bipartisan terrorist surveillance legislation is deeply troubling, but not all that surprising. We will not sit idly by while Democrats bring up bills that have already had numerous floor votes while important legislation is on the table collecting dust.
"The Senate sent us a bill that passed its chamber by more than a two-to-one margin. It has the support of House Republicans and more than a handful of Democrats. Sadly, it appears the only reason the majority's leadership has denied us a vote is to provide political cover for some in their party -- cover intended to mask deep internal divisions on their side.
"Because of the inaction by the Democratic leadership, a crucial provision in our national security laws was allowed to expire earlier this month. Since then, a dimmer switch has been placed on our ability to monitor terrorists. With each passing day, the quality of our intelligence is diminished for no other reason than politics. I find that unacceptable, and it's a good bet the vast majority of the American people do too.
"We welcome every Democrat that votes with us on this vital bill to safeguard our national security."
SOURCE House Republican Whip Roy Blunt