Webinar: The New Normal - How Colleges and Universities Plan to Combat COVID-19

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As with many other institutions, the coronavirus pandemic has thrown the nation’s colleges and universities into a tailspin. From the canceling of classes and graduation ceremonies to the shelving of annual collegiate athletic events like the NCAA Men’s and Women’s Basketball Tournaments, COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the daily lives of students and faculty members alike. While much remains in doubt as to what a return to normal will look like, things will be much different than they were before, especially when it comes to security and safety protocols. Join us as our panel of experts discuss what will be required by campuses to ensure the health and safety of students and staff when they eventually do return to campus.  

You will learn:

  • What technologies schools are investing in to combat the spread of COVID-19 on campuses. 
  • The policies and procedures security will be responsible for enforcing once schools reopen.
  • How security technology being reimaged to integrate with the emerging safety and health-based protocols.
  • How schools plan to handle an outbreak should the virus begin spreading among the local community.