
San Diego, CA 92109


About EvoStream


1010 Turquoise Street
Ste. 101
San Diego, CA 92109
United States of America

More Info on EvoStream

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Founded in 2010, EvoStream is a leading software innovator at the forefront of developing and implementing new use cases and technologies for high-end live video and metadata streaming for a host of different market verticals. EvoStream is an enabling, embedded technology for consumer and commercial products that streams live video and metadata from any platform to any viewers, over any networks, providing bandwidth cost savings, lower infrastructure costs and enhanced scalability. EvoStream is headquartered in San Diego, led by a team of highly-skilled professionals in research and development, engineering and software quality assurance.

Products and Press Releases

(Image courtesy EvoStream)
Evostream 2.0 provides OEMs with a broader palette to integrate video streams into existing hardware and software platforms, with an amplified value proposition that touches multi-platform delivery and adaptive bit-rate streaming among other benefits.
Video Surveillance

EvoStream 2.0 Server and Video Streaming Software

Oct. 11, 2017
EvoStream 2.0 revamps user experience with new interface, H.265 support, improved HTML5 playback and Android/iOS streaming apps

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