WASHINGTON, April 12 -- In light of recent, major data breaches, Worldwide Assistance, the US office of Europ Assistance, reiterated the value of its Data Breach Response Service in helping corporations combat data compromise, reduce liability and better respond to information security breaches. The service helps protect individuals and enterprises from the negative fallout of data breaches such as those reported recently by The TJX Companies, CardSystems, and other companies.
Corporations today face the challenge of managing and protecting large amounts of personal and confidential data obtained from their customers and employees. With an increase in cyber crime and the threat of identity theft on the constant rise, companies are finding themselves suffering financial and legal consequences when this information is compromised.
The Worldwide Assistance Data Breach Response Service helps corporations protect themselves, their customers and their employees from the negative impact of breached data and identity theft.
Through this Data Breach Response Service, should a breach occur, Worldwide Assistance will notify any customers or employees whose personal information was stolen or lost. Additionally, all victims will have access to one year of free credit monitoring service. If the compromised data results in identity thefts, Worldwide Assistance will also provide its comprehensive ID Theft Resolution Services to those individuals impacted to restore their good name and financial standing.
Worldwide Assistance's ID Theft Resolution Service helps victims to quickly and easily recover from identity theft by pairing them with an ID Theft Specialist who handles all the necessary paperwork, phone calls and other restoration activities. Ultimately, Worldwide Assistance relieves victims of the many hours involved for recovery while yielding financial and emotional benefits.
"As we've seen from recent examples in the news, an organization can suffer immense damage when personal information is compromised, even if the data turns up untouched," said Kirk Voisin, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Worldwide Assistance. "But when that information is used fraudulently, and on a larger scale, the effects are amplified and liability becomes an issue. Worldwide Assistance is making sure that companies have the ability to respond if they're ever faced with this growing challenge."