InterAct Releases Intelligent Analytics Video Surveillance System

April 3, 2006
TrueSentry utilizes Cradle Technologies MDSP chips to enable real-time multiple analyses on one platform

Las Vegas, NV. (ISC West Show) - InterAct Public Safety Systems, a leading provider of public safety and homeland security technology solutions used by local, state, national and international government agencies, today announced an agreement to use Cradle Technologies' Multi-Core DSP chipset. The chip performs 95 billion computations per second, enabling real-time analysis and compression to be performed simultaneously. The merged technology will be displayed at the ISC West show, April 5-7, 2006 in booth #16136.

Customers taking advantage of this partnership will benefit from many automated elements of the video monitoring process. By alerting security personnel only when certain suspicious events occur, they are better prepared to respond to critical situations in a timely and more accurate manner.

TrueSentry uses a detailed software program to alert surveillance employees when actionable situations occur. A set of video content analytics enables employees to monitor more cameras with fewer staffers, allowing more personnel to work in the field. TrueSentry allows users to track distant objects and behaviors, as well as set the image size, compression ratio and frame rate for each camera in the security network. If TrueSentry detects motion in a camera, it can instantly change the frame rate to capture high-quality images of the alarm incident. This gives users the ability to filter the video for interesting events, set alerts based on those events, and reduce the number of false alarms.

Other features of TrueSentry include:

  • Artificial intelligence to learn the normal behavior patterns of people or objects in a designated surveillance area
  • Ability to Distinguish between humans, automobiles and environmental backgrounds
  • Data mining capabilities that enable end users to spot trends and modify operations to maximize security and operational efficiency
  • Analytics algorithms embedded in the camera using less CPU power, thus requiring very little hardware
  • Cradle's CT3600 family of MDSPs offers a scalable platform with the cost-optimized performance and flexibility that is demanded by today's rapidly evolving IP surveillance market. With the capability to address the performance requirements of high channel density DVRs, just as cost-effectively as the low power requirements of compact IP video surveillance cameras, Cradle's programmable MDSP architecture is an ideal solution for powering next generation video surveillance equipment by offering one common platform to address many surveillance applications.

    "Cradle plays a critical role in accelerating the development and productization of our security monitoring systems," said Peter Quintas, InterAct's Senior Vice President of Surveillance Solutions. "We look forward to working closely with Cradle on rolling out a variety of advanced surveillance equipment, including intelligent IP cameras, streamers as well as DVRs over the next year. The Cradle platform scales perfectly across multiple products, while maintaining IP based firmware upgradability, compatible product roadmap, and feature-based offerings."

    To learn more about TrueSentry featuring Cradle Technologies' Multi-Core DSP chipset, visit booth #16136, or visit Interact Public Safety Systems on the web at Cradle Technologies is online at