Amityville, NY - Alarm Lock Systems, Inc., the leader in electronic pushbutton standalone locks, introduces great new customer loyalty program.
As our way of thanking our customers for making Trilogy the fastest growing and best-selling electronic pushbutton access lock in the business, we have created the new Alarm Lock Gear Program. Every time a customer purchases a Trilogy product they earn points which can be redeemed for free gear. It's simply one more reason to keep using Alarm Lock Trilogy electronic PIN and Prox locks for all your applications, from cylindrical to mortise to narrow stile.
Now through July 2007, dealers can register, view their point balance, and check out our rewards collection of attractive apparel such as jackets, shirts, and hats to drills and tools. Visit us at for the official rules and point system.
The same number of points earned through the Alarm Lock Gear program, also equal the same number of points for the Ford Mustang Giveaway. The winner of the Ford Mustang Grand Prize Drawing will be announced at the 2007 ALOA Convention & Security Expo in Charlotte, North Carolina.
For more information on Alarm Lock's advanced access and egress solutions, call 1-800-ALA-LOCK or visit website at