Parkadon Management Deploys Brivo ACS WebService to Upgrade Public Housing Security
Bethesda, MD, March 28, 2007 – Brivo Systems, LLC, the leader in Web applications for access control and security systems, today announced that Parkadon Management Inc., a property manager for Federal Section 8 housing, has installed and continues to roll out Brivo ACS WebService access control to improve security and enhance staff productivity at a Jersey City residential multi-family housing complex under management. Professional Security Technologies, Nutley, NJ, specified and is installing the system.
"Managing Section 8 housing is a challenging financial model to make work," said Cheryl Wilson, Vice President of Operations, "so we have to be very creative in finding cost-effective technology that will deliver the level of security our residents deserve."
Previously, Wilson and staff managed access and reporting for the 7-building Jersey City housing complex from their Harlem offices, in Manhattan. "With the original access control system, we had seven buildings, with seven different dial-in modems. One slip-up in the log-on process and we had to start all over again. What's worse, we had service calls to keep the system up and functioning, on average, every other week. The old system was cumbersome and it was expensive, we needed to find better solution."
Parkadon has installed Brivo ACS5000 wireless panels to manage access to two of the Jersey City buildings to date and as budget allows, they plan to roll out Brivo to the entire complex by late summer. Wilson is able to manage the Jersey City buildings from her office in Manhattan—adding and removing tenants and vendors and running reports to aid in the police investigations of incidents at the buildings. The seven buildings house upwards of 250 people and are serviced by dozens of vendors and workers. The new Brivo system has been a significant improvement for Parkadon, "I just log in to the management interface and have immediate access to the buildings—I can manage the whole site seamlessly."
In addition to improved management and productivity, Wilson has seen another advantage. The Jersey City buildings require a fair amount of maintenance, requiring staff to be on-site nearly all the time. "We can easily sort by group at anytime to confirm that maintenance staff who have clocked in are present and working where they are supposed to be working," said Wilson.
In addition to covering the entire Jersey City housing complex with Brivo, Parkadon is planning to install Brivo ACS WebService at another property, of about the same size and level of security challenge, in Brooklyn.
"The Brivo ACS WebService is enjoying tremendous popularity in the property management market segment," said Bob Mosler, Brivo EVP Sales and Marketing. "For Parkadon, system ease-of-use and overall effectiveness are clearly demonstrated: staff are much more productive, tenants are safer, and maintenance work is probably moving along faster."
The best part for Wilson and Parkadon Management? "We haven't had a service call in the three months since we installed Brivo." Improved productivity and an end to the service calls save Parkadon thousands of dollars that can be spent on more important priorities.