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Biometrics continues to emerge as a mainstream technology solution for several physical security applications. But during the COVID crisis, biometrics became an integral element in many access control systems that looked to integrate both security and health/safety protocols into their solutions. So, has this security reset provided the security industry an opportunity to learn from some of its past mistakes and really move biometrics into the mainstream?This webinar will discuss new and emerging use cases for biometrics in an access control environment. Here are some of the high points our experts will discuss:

  • How do users and integrators work together to create a value proposition story with biometrics that matters to the mainstream market.
  • How various vertical markets have incorporated biometrics into their post-pandemic safety and security protocols.
  • How contemporary biometric solutions directly address the ever-increasing threat of password-based authentication breaches.
  • With physical security becoming not only a general facilities concern, but more fundamentally an Information Technology (IT) concern, how will biometrics strategically be implemented?
  • How can biometrics help streamline access control and health mandates in an ever-evolving workplace by expanding into other departments like HR?
  • How do we create a more collaborative public/private partnership when it comes to biometrics so the technology is better understood?