Bioscrypt's Access Manager Chosen by Cherry Electrical Products
TORONTO, Oct. 19 - Bioscrypt Inc., a leading provider of identity verification technology, announced today that Cherry Electrical Products, a global leader in the design, development, and manufacture of computer keyboards and mice, has selected VeriSoft Access Manager for its G83-14200/14300 range of FingerTIP ID biometric USB keyboards. The integrated solution will be on display at the Biometrics 2006 Exhibition in Westminster, London, on October 19th and 20th.
The benefits of Bioscrypt's VeriSoft Access Manager, as recognized by Cherry, include: increased protection of sensitive data; the ability to consolidate and store user identities and passwords for web-based and Microsoft Windows applications; automatic logon when a registered application is accessed; and hard-drive secure encryption to allow for the storage of documents for safeguarding, creating a type of 'digital safe' accessed via fingerprint ID. Along with these functionality advantages that Cherry required, an added unique feature is the E-wallet, which allows for safe storage of credit card details while integrated event logging provides a secure and irrefutable audit trail.
"The beauty of VeriSoft Access Manager is that all its functions are accessible in one window, which avoids complicated access paths to the many features offered," said Robin Bithrey, Keyboard Sales Support Engineer at Cherry. "The design is extremely user-friendly and of a simplicity which, combined with intelligent and secure designs, makes this software highly desirable. It is for this reason we wished to associate our name with Bioscrypt."
The software is enabled on Cherry's G83-14200/14300 range of FingerTIP ID biometric USB keyboards with CMOS fingerprint sensor AES 4000 from AuthenTec with TruePrint(R) technology. The keyboard also comprises a 3121-compatible CardMan smart card reader, which in combination with VeriSoft, allows for multiple authentication methods to be used in any combination when assigning access privileges to applications and services. As well as fingerprint biometrics and smartcards, the software supports multifactor user authentication, including Trusted Platform Modules, USB and virtual tokens.
"We believe this combination of VeriSoft Access Manager and the Cherry keyboard provides a convenient and compelling security solution that supports multiple methods of authentication," said Robert L. Williams, President and CEO of Bioscrypt. "Cherry has a demonstrated ability to bring biometric and smart card technology to the retail market, particularly through their FingerTIP ID Board. We look forward to working with them to capitalize on this opportunity."