Mardon HIS and Digital Design to Jointly Develop HIPAA-Compliant Solution
PHOENIX and LAS VEGAS , Sept. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Mardon HealthcareInformation Systems, a leader in Rural Healthcare Services, and DigitalDesign, a leading provider of highly secure Application Hosting Services, haveformed a joint venture to provide critical information and images "real-time"to First Responders (Police, Fire, Ambulance, HAZMAT), Hospitals, and RemoteSupport Units.
Through mobile devices such as PDAs, tablets, and laptops, users will beable to immediately access HIPAA-compliant critical patient information suchas X-rays, lab results, drug utilization, complete history, and any other datastored electronically. In addition, "on-scene" personnel can send informationjust as quickly, securely and efficiently as it is being received.
"I am very pleased to be in this joint venture with Digital Design. Theyhave allowed us to offer the best in security and cost-effectiveness, whileallowing us to offer our clients a variety of remote services. We can nowprovide Mardon clients with the best in mobility and interoperability," statedDonald G. McKeny, CEO of Mardon HIS. "Although the initial focus will be onRural Healthcare, this HIPAA-compliant solution can be utilized in multiplerelated types of applications."
"It has been our philosophy to incorporate 'best-of-breed' technologiesthat fit the needs of our clients. This joint venture is a logical extensionfor us," said Fred McCormick, President of Digital Design. "We're excited tobe providing Mardon clients the Speed, Economy, Security, and Instant Accessneeded in such critical situations."