GSX Education Preview

Sept. 11, 2018
A look at expanded show floor features, keynotes and integrator-focused sessions on tap for the Las Vegas show

ASIS is touting enhanced learning and a re-imagined exhibit hall as part of its show rebrand to the Global Security Exchange (GSX) after 63 years as the ASIS Annual Seminar and Exhibits.

At GSX, show organizers say the exhibit hall (open Sept. 25-27) will be transformed into “a learning lab environment, featuring thousands of security products, technologies and service solutions, as well as immersive learning opportunities designed to connect the current threat landscape…with leading solutions available in the marketplace.”

New Show Floor Educational Features

X Stage (Booth 4404): Looking at the impact of bleeding-edge technologies, such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies, AI, drones and robotics, social media and more.

Xcelerated Exchange Stage (Booth 151): A forum for critical discussions between practitioners and solution providers to proactively address the current and future security landscape.

Xperience Stage (Booth 141): Showcases case studies and other best practices that address security challenges including active shooters, bullying in the healthcare industry, and risk mitigation at public events.

Career HQ (Booth 2395): Attendees will have access to free resume reviews, a headshot studio, career coaching, professional development sessions, and networking opportunities with employers and peers; as well as a two-day Career Fair (Sept. 26-27).

D3 Xperience – Drones, Droids, Defense (Booth 5602): Supported by Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), D3 will feature education and demos focused on drones, droids and counter-UAV defense systems.


The opening GSX keynote features CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, who will examine the state of the world and the important forces, developments, and risks that will affect you, your organization, and the global community (Sept. 24, 8 a.m.)

The Tuesday GSX keynote will be delivered by futurist Scott Klososky, who will build a compelling case for managing and using technology to gain a competitive advantage and lead successfully into the future (Sept. 25, 8:30 a.m.).

Major General Bradley D. Spacy will keynote the Wednesday sessions – introducing AFWERX, an Air Force program that will outline a partnership with ASIS to accelerate technology and innovation in the name of national security (Sept. 26, 8:30 a.m.).

Former Trump Administration Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland will offer the closing keynote on critical foreign policy and defense issues and how global security professionals play a crucial role (Sept. 27, 8:30 a.m.).

Integrator-Relevant Sessions

While the perception is that most ASIS/GSX sessions are geared toward end-user security professionals and there is no dedicated track for systems integrators, there are still quite a few interesting sessions that should appeal to the security integrator community.

“The newly diverse GSX learning program focuses on creating a vital security creation link from integrator to practitioner,” explains consultant and regular SD&I contributor Steve Surfaro. “GSX is an opportunity to meet market growth innovators, survive the technology disruptors and capitalize on mutual success.”

Here are a handful of sessions to check out (for classroom locations and any potential schedule changes, please access the full GSX education schedule at

Selling Security Requirements to the C-Suite (Sept. 24, 10:30 a.m.): Panel discussion on developing business case objectives for a security project, including how a cost-benefit analysis supports the objectives of the business case.

Shooter Detection Technology (Sept. 24, 10:30 a.m.): Panel discussion including an overview of different shooter detection technologies, as well as best practices and challenges in their use.

Emerging Technology and the Law (Sept. 24, 2:15 p.m.): The explosion of new technologies used to support security efforts raises a range of legal concerns. Examine recent technology developments and the legal and legislative approaches that can affect their use.

Facility Security Design – from Conception to Completion (Sept. 24, 2:15 p.m.): Learn how to conduct risk assessments, develop functional requirements, and identify mitigation measures that are the basis of design. Translate those requirements into construction documents and apply the tools and techniques into a virtual facility.

Soft Target Protection (Sept. 24, 3:45 p.m.): Join security consultant Michael Rozin, who will review strategies for security operations suitable for typical soft targets. Examine examples of proper security design at publicly accessible facilities and venues.

Network Attacks against Physical Security (Sept. 25, 11 a.m.): Join two consultants from Secureworks, who will discuss how physical access control systems and door controllers are being attacked, and how to mitigate against them.

How to Complete a Security Project Cost Estimate (Sept. 25, 2 p.m.): Learn what is involved in developing a complete project cost estimate from ASSA ABLOY's Jeff Lane. Explore the concepts of value engineering and how to develop a return on investment in the construction budget.

Security Operations and AI (Sept. 25, 2 p.m.): Learn from a panel of experts on how to incorporate the best of AI technology, including video analytics, robotics, and license plate recognition, into today's security operations procedures.

Findings from the ASIS-SIA Career Pathways Initiative (Sept. 25, 2:30 p.m. - Career Center): ASIS and SIA will present the results from a year-long study of career progression in the security profession for both end-users and service providers.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Sept. 25, 4 p.m. – X Stage): Understand how visual analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are being applied on mainstream security platforms.

How to Conduct a CPTED Facility Site Survey (Sept. 26, 11 a.m.): Art Hushen of the National Institute of Crime Prevention and consultant Mark Schreiber, CPP, present this session on the proper steps needed to prepare and execute a CPTED-focused site survey at a facility, including the base principles, the tactical methods, and the goals of the survey process.

Integrating Acoustic Sensors with Video (Sept. 26, 2:15 p.m.): James Marcella of Axis Communications leads this panel that will consider real-world examples from the K-12 education market that highlight how audio and video surveillance can help in security response and prevention.

LiDAR Applications in Security (Sept. 26, 2:15 p.m.): Join Quanergy Systems in a look at security uses for LiDAR (light detection and ranging) sensors. Among other applications, LiDAR systems use artificial intelligence software to classify and track an intruder.

Paul Rothman is Editor-in-Chief of Security Dealer & Integrator (SD&I) magazine. Access the current issue, full archives and apply for a free subscription at

About the Author

Paul Rothman | Editor-in-Chief/Security Business

Paul Rothman is Editor-in-Chief of Security Business magazine. Email him your comments and questions at [email protected]. Access the current issue, full archives and apply for a free subscription at