These are challenging times; we’ve seen companies on top of the world fail while other organizations, manufacturers and even industries prosper. So, how do you capitalize on these areas of prosperity and opportunity and where exactly are they? There’s no quick, easy answer but there are many factors to consider when strategizing how to grow your business--and yes, you should be strategizing, positioning or repositioning your company no matter how well you might be doing. In these times, you simply have to stay light and flexible which is much easier for a smaller organization than for a larger one.
Over the last several years I’ve had some firsthand experience in the integration and the manufacturing sectors of the business, including participating in international industry research. This doesn’t mean I know more than you because I don’t, but unlike most security industry publishers I’ve at least walked in your shoes. It’s not easy to guide or grow a company anytime but today is more challenging then ever. I came back to publishing very consciously knowing the challenges this industry faces, wanting to help you, the backbone of the security industry, navigate through these complicated times. So, I will share some of my observations and thinking based on my experiences and I am asking you to share your thoughts, experiences and ideas with us as well. First, success is directly proportional to management’s focus, commitment and leadership.
Second, technology adoption is imperative. The discussion about convergence, when and if it will happen, is over. You need to be at the execution stage now. Period. End of story. Ask yourself: ‘what can I bring my customers that will make their life or business safer and better?’ I promise you that if you are not thinking this way, someone else is, be it another security company or a cabling, IT, telecommunications or specialty service group. With the economic pressure being felt across all sectors, the drive to take a share of business from elsewhere is greater than ever. And no, other market sectors don’t know or care about risk management issues or the liabilities involved in installing security solutions but that’s not stopping them from stepping on our turf because they see the growth opportunities here.
“Value Add” is the mantra in business today for all of us. It may appear this is dictated by the economy but I am not convinced. I believe this is simply a result of converged markets and it’s being expedited by an economic downturn. The success of your salespeople; the value of your business, to get loans, sell, merge, acquire or pass it to loved ones is directly proportional to staying up with technology. In fact, there is more technology out there than most of us are aware of. And yes, I know it’s complicated to integrate it all together. But this is the sweet spot for future growth.
If there is opportunity for existing or new resellers to gain share, then there’s definitely an opportunity for you to grow your share. So we’ll be stepping up the information we bring you, looking at new ideas and opportunities for growth. We are all in this soup together and if we help each other, this is what will make our market prosper.