Episode 40: The Latin American Security Market

June 9, 2009
George Fletcher speaks with SecurityInfoWatch.com editor Geoff Kohl about the 2009 Expo Seguridad Mexico tradeshow and then speaks about the business climate for security systems and integration services in the Latin American market. We look at the different manufacturers, entry barriers vs. entrepreneurial environments, political climate, overall security needs, residential alarm service adoption. This interview is a great primer on the security and alarm market in Latin American market; it is a must-listen for any business considering expanding into Mexico, or other Central and South American nations.
George Fletcher speaks with SecurityInfoWatch.com editor Geoff Kohl about the 2009 Expo Seguridad Mexico tradeshow and then speaks about the business climate for security systems and integration services in the Latin American market. We look at the different manufacturers, entry barriers vs. entrepreneurial environments, political climate, overall security needs, residential alarm service adoption. This interview is a great primer on the security and alarm market in Latin American market; it is a must-listen for any business considering expanding into Mexico, or other Central and South American nations.

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From night watchmen with minimal training to highly skilled professionals equipped with advanced technology, the role of security guards has evolved dramatically over the past 50 years.
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Aligning cybersecurity with business goals enhances resilience and minimizes disruptions by reducing the attack surface.