What should you use: VMS or PSIM?

May 22, 2012
Integrators need to know the difference between VMS and PSIM in order to specify correctly for their customers/end users

Just what do you need: VMS or PSIM? What's the difference between the two as far as their capabilities and what they do and control? Dr. Bob Banerjee of NICE Systems puts it into perspective in the May issue of SD&I magazine in this handy chart:http://sdi.epubxpress.com/link/SD/2012/may/32?s=0

There's even more, including an exclusive special section on fire trends, which showcases the latest prevention and detection products and while you're reading, find out about proposed changes to NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code,up for voting at the NFPA conference in June 2012.