Oakville, Ontario, October 4, 2007 - Dakota Dunes Casino, a joint development by the Saskatoon Tribal Council, Whitecap Dakota First Nation and the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA), has installed iView Systems' iTrak and Incident Reporting Risk Management Platform. iView Systems is a leading provider of security and surveillance solutions for the gaming industry.
The Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, which operates Dakota Dunes Casino, has expanded iView's existing iTrak Incident Reporting and Risk Management System to provide a complete end-to-end security and surveillance solution for Dakota Dunes Casino. Dakota Dunes Casino opened its doors on the Whitecap Dakota First Nation south of Saskatoon on August 10th, 2007.
"iTrak has greatly enhanced SIGA's security and surveillance ability to identify and track persons of interest within our casinos. The ability to call up images rapidly and attach media combined with direct access to associated incident files has been invaluable in ensuring SIGA properties are safe and secure. The ability to instantaneously share incident and exclusion information within the network of properties is an essential tool for enforcement," stated Daniel Morin, Director or Surveillance and Security.
"In addition, the statistics generated by iTrak are utilized in the development of budgets and the targeting of resources for SIGA properties, which depend upon them the most. Having hard metrics to justify expenditures is essential for any business experiencing growth and more importantly in the field of security where it's a challenge to measure a return on investment. iTrak assists in measuring the direct impact on the organization's bottom line. By ensuring SIGA is well informed and organized, iTrak has been a wise investment having had a very positive impact for the organization."
"Expanding with the SIGA family and installing in the new Dakota Dunes Casino is a welcome addition for iView Systems. The iTrak integrated desktop provides a complete end-to-end solution to meet the demanding requirements of all five of the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority Casinos, while also providing a flexible platform capable of evolving with their needs," noted James Moore, Vice President, iView Systems.
The iTrak platform includes a daily log, briefing log, full incident reporting, subject profiling, personnel management, vehicle tracking, contacts and administration for comprehensive user, group and property security management. Other available modules include the Lost & Found, Dispatch System, Visitor Management System, iGNet Alert Communication Service, Gaming Module, Work Order Module, Importer Module and Responsible Gaming System.
The Dakota Dunes Casino is an 84,000 square foot casino that houses 620 slot machines, 15-20 live table games, poker room, a restaurant and buffet, deli, bar, and the 7,000 square foot multipurpose room, which can hold up to 800 people for events such as conferences and concerts. The casino has created 420 jobs for the area and is pulling in tourism for the reserve.
"The casino is about building dreams, creating jobs and building economic prosperity." Saskatoon Tribal Council Chief Joe Quewezance
The Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA) operates Saskatchewan's five First Nations casinos. Under the First Nations Gaming Act in 1995, the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Inc. created the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority. SIGA has been incorporated under The Non-Profit Corporation Act of Saskatchewan, since 1996.
The Province of Saskatchewan, through the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA), regulates SIGA. SLGA is responsible for the approval of budgets, operating policies and procedures, expansion of services, etc.
SIGA operates five properties: Dakota Dunes Casino (Whitecap Dakota First Nation/Saskatoon), Gold Eagle Casino (North Battleford), Northern Lights Casino (Prince Albert) & Painted Hand Casino (Yorkton), Bear Claw Casino (White Bear). SIGA will also expand into the Swift Current market (Living Sky Casino) in 2008.
SIGA has three lines of business including: slot machines, live games, ancillary services and entertainment. With approximately 1,600 employees, SIGA casinos entertain over two million guests annually.