Brady People ID Displays Leading Line of People Identification Solutions

Sept. 24, 2007
Company enhances convenience and first line of defense with ID badging and accessories lines

Las Vegas, NV (September 24, 2007) Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ Brady People ID is showcasing its comprehensive ID badging identification solutions here at ASIS this week. Featured products on display include the industry's largest selection of lanyards, reels, badge holders and attachments ideal for both security and promotional applications.

"Brady People ID is uniquely qualified to provide the industry with a full range of people identification solutions," said Bill Kieckhafer, Brady People ID. "Our badging attachments and accessories lineup, which we are featuring here at ASIS, offers an abundance of choices and this wide ranging selection can ultimately assist management in maintaining effective security procedures."

Whether used to indicate awareness and support for events or causes such as the Support our Troops campaign, or for enhanced personal security with glow in the dark or reflective luminescent printing, Lanyards from Brady People ID are available to meet just about every requirement possible. And to prevent the common problem of badges getting turned backwards, the company offers the Wide No-Twist lanyard which keeps badges facing forward so they can be seen.

Security procedures are made easier with badge reels from Brady People ID, including the Swivel-Back Badge Reel which has a 360ƂĀ° rotating clip on the back and allows the badge reel to be attached to clothing at any angle, while keeping the ID oriented correctly and readable. A new heart-shaped reel is suitable for displaying all types of identification badges and was designed for use in a medical environment where identification is often worn at eye level.

Also on display is the recently introduced Secure Badgeholder, a trademark of Identity Stronghold. This innovative and patent-pending device is a rigid plastic card holder that provides a barrier to shield against unauthorized access to contactless information stored on PIV cards, CAC cards, and other contactless smart card applications. It is also the only shielded badge holder designed to allow card reading without the need to remove the card.

New items on display and ideally suited for promotional purposes include the TicketKeeperZ rigid, clear acrylic holder with welded edges for displaying and protecting a special event ticket; and the accompanying diamond shaped TicketKeeperZ Stand; the Bank Card Holder for securely holding and protecting any credit-card sized card; and three choices of Water Bottle Holders including two aluminum alloy D-carabiner styles and a lanyard style for a convenient, hands-free way to carry bottled water.

Finally, to help their resellers access product and pricing information on over 3000 items, Brady People ID announced the upcoming launch of their 2008 Source Book. The new Source Book will be easy to read and navigate, with an emphasis on streamlined product searches and information and will include products from TEMPbadge and PassagePoint brands.