BearingPoint Chosen as Finalist to Implement a National Rollout of TWIC
MCLEAN, Va., -- BearingPoint, Inc.(NYSE: BE), one of the world's largest management and technology consulting firms, today announced that it was selected by the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Transportation Security Administration (TSA) as a finalist in the competitive search for a technology integrator that will design, manage and implement a nationwide rollout of the Transportation Worker Identification Card (TWIC).
The TWIC program is one of the most important homeland security initiatives to be launched by the federal government since 9/11. Once implemented, the TWIC will increase security at seaports, airports, railways, pipeline, trucking, and mass transit facilities by creating a standard credential that can be issued to all transportation workers who have access tothose facilities. A standard TWIC would improve the flow of commerce bye liminating the need for redundant credentials and streamlining the identity verification process. The initial phase of the TWIC rollout will facilitate the enrollment of 850,000 maritime workers, with following phases focused onother sectors of the transportation industry with up to six million workers potentially enrolling.
"We are excited to be a part of this important Homeland Security initiative, which once implemented, will mark a giant step forward inenhancing the security of the nation's ports and other transportation infrastructure," said Gordon Hannah , Managing Director of Security and Identity Management Practice for BearingPoint. "BearingPoint is well positioned to compete for this contract, having already successfully delivered TWIC prototype tests across the country since 2002."
Through the TWIC prototype tests, BearingPoint provided the TSA guidancein enrollment processing, security and supply chain, and integrating access control systems. The TWIC prototypes involved processing 75,000 workers at 26 critical seaports and two airports across the nation. In addition tostrategic guidance, BearingPoint compiled the final report detailing the results of the prototype phase and outlining the plan for a nationwide rolloutof the program.
BearingPoint has nearly a decade of experience in security and identity management solution programs, helping to develop the Defense Department'sCommon Access Card, and also implementing smart card programs for the GSA, GAO and U.S. Department of State. Additionally, BearingPoint offers one of the most comprehensive HSPD-12 solutions for federal agencies, and was recentlychosen by GSA as an end-to-end HSPD-12 solutions provider. More informationon BearingPoint's Security and Identity Management solutions may be found byvisiting