VeriChip Introduces Implantable Person-Tracking Chip at Conference in Columbia

July 28, 2005
System can be designed for implants or for wearable usage to monitor people, or for access control

DELRAY BEACH, Fla. -- VeriChip Corporation, a subsidiary of Applied Digital (NASDAQ: ADSX), a leading provider of security and identification technology, announced today that it is introducing its new implantable / wearable security solution - VeriGuard(TM)- at the 14th National Congress of Private Security Exhibition in Girardot, Colombia, the private security industry's premier tradeshow in Colombia. The show starts tomorrow and runs through July 29. The website for the Colombia National Congress of Private Security is

With the Company's recent acquisitions, the VeriGuard system now features both implantable and wearable RFID access control and monitoring technology. Implantable RFID chips and/or wearable RFID bracelets and tags integrate seamlessly into the new VeriGuard system.

Commenting on the launch of the VeriGuard system, Kevin McLaughlin, Chief Executive Officer of VeriChip Corporation, stated, "This introduction marks the continued integration of our implantable and external RFID products for people. Our first-of-a-kind implantable RFID chip - VeriChip - can be used for access control and other security applications. Our recent acquisitions allow us to offer similar RFID technology that is external rather than internal. In one cohesive solution, we can now offer the end-user a choice of tamper-proof, secure, implantable technology or easily removable yet accurate external technology."

The exhibition and demonstration of the VeriGuard system will be managed by Seguridad Oncor, VeriChip's distributor in Colombia.