Veterans Health Administration texting service developed by Accenture Federal Services deployed nationwide

June 5, 2024
The VA reports the simple, mobile, and interactive service known as “Annie” is achieving positive outcomes by empowering Veterans.

An automated text message service developed by Accenture Federal Services is now deployed at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health centers across the nation. The VA reports the simple, mobile, and interactive service known as “Annie” is achieving positive outcomes by empowering Veterans to stay connected to their healthcare protocols, one text at a time.

Featuring SMS text message notification capabilities including medication reminders, surgery preparation instructions, and medical treatment plans, Veterans can also use Annie for self-care health data monitoring, such as blood pressure readings, and for chronicling medical symptoms that are being experienced for prompt review by clinical teams.

An eight-month study found Veterans at the Minneapolis VA Health Center who used the texting service reported positive feedback on the tool, specifically regarding patient education, symptom management, self-care, and ease of use.

The program also found Annie demonstrated a successful track record in simplifying the cancer care hospital preadmission process, resulting in a 53 percent decrease in surgery cancellations, by ensuring patients adhered to necessary pre-surgery medical protocols. Cancelled surgeries increase healthcare costs by unnecessarily tying up operating rooms and healthcare personnel.

“Annie is an innovative and valuable tool for both Veterans and their healthcare providers alike,” said Dr. Ron Moody, Accenture Federal Services’ chief medical officer and the clinical lead behind Annie. “The tool is a shining example of how a familiar technology, such as text messaging, has the ability to elevate the overall healthcare experience for those who have served in our nation’s military.”

Accenture Federal Services supported the VA’s Office of Connected Care in developing Annie as a subcontractor to Iron Bow Technologies, which was recently awarded a $2 billion contract to continue its work making healthcare more accessible for veterans.