Redwood City, Calif. -- PassMark Security today announced that its Two-Factor Two-Way Authentication System is now available to financial institutions on Microsoft Windows server platforms.
"We are releasing this version of our software specifically for those financial institutions that run their online banking sites on Windows platforms," said Bill Harris, co-founder and chairman of PassMark Security.
"These customers will find the Windows version of the PassMark system affordable to implement and easy to deploy."
The PassMark Two-Factor Two-Way System for Windows is a near plug and play system, often requiring only a small amount of set up and customization. The system uses a conventional Windows user interface to aid ease of use and PassMark has made a wide array of software applications and tools available to augment and complement the system. When needed, customers can use the application programming interfaces (APIs) PassMark provides to customize the application or user interface to their environment or requirements.
Thorough documentation and an implementation example are available.
The PassMark System protects users from online fraud and identity theft caused by phishing, keylogging, man-in-the-middle and other attacks. The system provides secure two-factor authentication and anti-fraud filtering without requiring that any new hardware or software be distributed to the end user through a powerful real-time authentication and decision engine.
The system also provides two-way security, authenticating the financial institution's 's Web site to its customers using a secret PassMark Ć¢ā¬ā a small image and a phrase Ć¢ā¬ā that the financial institution displays to the member during log in. When the member sees his PassMark, he instantly knows it's the real bank Web site and it's safe to enter his password. Unlike other solutions that operate completely behind the scenes, the PassMark solution provides tangible proof to the user that their online session is with their bank. The visible PassMark instills confidence, keeping banking customers using the online channel and creating opportunities for more services.
The PassMark system is live today at the Bank of America, under the brand name SiteKey and at Stanford Federal Credit Union. It is also currently being implemented or tested at a number of other leading financial institutions.