Webinar: Opening the Doors of Analytics with Standards

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Metadata is perhaps more important now to the video surveillance industry than ever before, providing the necessary structure and context from a video stream for even the most sophisticated video analytics. At a time when innovation in analytics has never been higher, with the addition of machine learning and computer vision technologies, proprietary scenarios that limit the choice of analytics and providers still exist.  With new industry standards providing common communication interfaces for metadata, end-users, and systems designers will be able to flexibly mix and match solutions from different providers of analytics, edge devices, and video management software or cloud services, together with IoT applications, into one system.

Join the discussion with Per Björkdahl and Todd Dunning with ONVIF, as they outline:

  • How the rise in the number of smart applications for security, business intelligence, and IoT devices is driving interoperability demands 
  • How integrators and end-users will be more easily able to select individual cameras, analytics providers, and video management software of their choice with ONVIF Profile M
  • The potential for interoperability with IoT applications for building management or other applications