Security hiring and onboarding in the age of Covid

Sept. 2, 2021
How organizations can leverage digital tools to bring in new hires safely and more efficiently

Rethinking the hiring and onboarding process is the move security leaders have been making as the economy begins to recover. As leftover out of work employees await a restart to their employment, the speed in which organizations rehire, hire, and onboard talent can make or break operational success.

Returning to a sense of normality requires leaders to set up processes that are seamless, efficient, and reliable. This often means reevaluating what works and what doesn’t - and finding the appropriate solution that fits the organization’s needs.

In determining how physical security leaders have rethought the hiring and onboarding process, three tools are helping to shape the way security workforces are being replenished.

Digital Recruitment Redefines Email-In Hiring

Using email, while effective if an organization is limited in resources, will not cut it for a much larger operation. Too many moving pieces require that enterprise-level security leaders find solutions that can appropriately hire talent while maintaining physical distancing requirements as they are needed. Doing things the right way ultimately reduces the potential for employee turnover and can ensure that the new hire sticks.

Automated “intelligent filtering” and “knockout questions” are the name of the game when it comes to revamping the hiring process. Intelligent filtering has given hiring managers the visibility to review potential hires that meet set criteria all before opening the resume. This approach saves time and ensures that the hiring manager isn’t flustered with hundreds of applicants at one time. Instead, automating digital recruitment allows for additional digital experiences that power through email correspondences.

Video introductions alongside traditional methods of outreach like the phone call, all ensure that the right candidate connects with the appropriate channels at the right time.

Dynamic interview scheduling is also part of the new hiring process. With dynamic interview scheduling, hiring managers have been able to quickly meet with top talent before they’re taken. Interview slots are automatically synced with the availability and schedule of the busy manager which has ultimately put an end to calendar tag.

Online Onboarding Solutions Outpace Paper

Many online tools available today do much of the heavy lifting for security professionals and have initiated a quick and steady onboarding process. This has enabled security leaders to quickly establish required background checks, references, verifications, and payroll processes for new hires, saving time, reducing costs, and maintaining health and safety protocols.

Paperless onboarding has become the go-to tool for hiring managers quickly revamping their security workforce. Alongside applicant tracking solutions, paperless onboarding has reduced the first-day, paper-laden burden that essentially dedicates an employee’s first day as a freebie.

When all forms are paperless, new hires can securely sign and verify essential forms before even stepping into the site. This ensures that the first time an officer steps on the post, they’re in the system and ready to work.

Wage and Labor Experts as Part of the Solution Set

Not all tools offer access to automatic wage and labor components. While enterprise-level security leaders may choose different options when it comes to operating payroll and benefits management, it doesn't hurt to have a backup.

For this reason, security leaders have chosen to partner with digital recruitment or online onboarding solutions that already have in place safety measures to prevent potential litigation costs. Like insurance, a solution with wage and labor systems automatically connects new hire information uploaded from the onboarding process and helps track additional elements, like officer pay rates, preventing overtime, reducing payroll abnormalities, and calculating tax and benefit deductions.

Remember - wage and labor information, as well as potential savings in tax credits, is tailored information specific to a business’ needs. Experts that are available through a wage and labor solution provider can offer insights that no other solution can.

A New Chapter Begins This Year - Are You Ready?

Security leaders out there know that the burden of screening, hiring, and onboarding officers can be eased with today’s technology. Using digital and online tools to enhance traditional methods of hiring is the light at the end of the tunnel. Whether recruitment will happen remotely or in person, finding the right people can be easier - and more efficient - than ever before.