Innometriks Inc.

Bonsall, CA 92003


About Innometriks Inc.


5256 S. Mission Rd.
Suite 803
Bonsall, CA 92003

More Info on Innometriks Inc.

Innometriks strong identity authentication offerings fill critical compliance gaps that exist in the current generation physical access control systems (PACS).

Although fully functional and well within their operational life span, most installed PACS fail to meet the credential verification and identity authentication requirements set forth by the U.S. Government identity programs known as Personal Identity Verification (PIV), Transportation Workers Identity Credential (TWIC) and Common Access Card (CAC).

Products and Press Releases

Innometriks Rhino 10759575
Reader Units

Innometriks Rhino Multi-Technology Reader

Aug. 14, 2012
Innometriks’ Rhino reader combines embedded Lumidigm fingerprint biometrics, smart cards, PKI and digital signature technologies to handle high security applications in extreme...

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