Lockmasters Welcomes New Director of Government Products
October 19th, 2007 -- Lockmasters Security Institute, a 52-year-old security training institution working extensively with the federal government in the areas of training and research, is proud to announce and welcome Eric Elkins as its new Director of Government Products. Arriving with a wealth of pertinent experience, Mr. Elkins will be invaluable to LSI in the fields of education and Research & Development.
Mr. Elkins retired from federal service with 29 years of experience working with locking systems and security hardware. He joined the Security Engineering Division of the Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory in July of 1984. While there he gained experience managing projects, developing security hardware, and testing equipment. He also participated on the F-12 committee of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) for several years and was a long time member of the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS).
Mr. Elkins was promoted to Director of the Department of Defense Lock Program in 1991. Lock Program highlights during his tenure include development of several security products, successful retrofit of 150,000 X-07 combination locks DoD-wide, and the development and operation of the DoD Lock Program Field Support Program. He also participated on the Interagency Advisory Committee for Security Equipment (IACSE), Storage Equipment and Locking Systems (SEALS) Subcommittee from 1991 to 2007, holding the position of subcommittee chairman for the last 6 years of his involvement.
Mr. Elkins was the driving force behind moving the General Services administration (GSA) Equipment Test Program, from the Army at Ft. Meade, MD to the Navy at Port Hueneme, CA. He set up the structure and provided oversight for this program, which is now nationally recognized for its capability and excellence. We are pleased to have Mr. Elkins on board, and look forward to a prosperous future.