Wireless Access Control! Now connect your DoorKing Access Control and Telephone Entry Systems with our new 4G-LTE Cellular wireless connection!
Wireless Access Control! Now connect your DoorKing Access Control and Telephone Entry Systems with our new 4G-LTE Cellular wireless connection! No more trenches to dig, no more wires to run! The DKS cellular connection service provides both voice and high speed data connections, allowing you to program the access control system directly from your PC via the internet with our cellular M2M connection service. Control up to 24 entry locations with our wireless expansion boards. DKS access control systems serve up to 3000 users with up to 8000 card, transmitter or PIN codes. Holiday schedules, hold open time zones, 31 permission levels, elevator control and more! With DoorKing, digging trenches and running wires is a thing of the past!