CS Gold Version 7 Campus Card Management System

July 20, 2015

Ithaca, New York- CBORD has announced the release of CS Gold® version 7, the company’s powerful, modular ID card system.

CS Gold is used by hundreds of colleges and universities around the world to power a wide range of student services including dining, spending, security, and much more. Version 7 marks a number of significant technology upgrades, in addition to many brand new features designed to achieve operational efficiencies, improve student services and address the growing need to tie those services to student success.

CS Gold Version 7: Redefining What a Card System Can Be

  • Residence hall visitor management: Improve security with this web-based feature makes it easy for students to register guests in advance, as well as for desk attendants to stay informed about guest statuses.
  • Room reservations: Make campus special-use rooms (e.g., music practice rooms and meeting rooms) easier to reserve and accurately report on their usage, driving student success. Students and other patrons can reserve rooms online and check in and out using online access readers.
  • Business intelligence at a glance: Reduce complexity and get the information you and your leadership need to make informed decisions about student services and business operations. CS Gold’s web-based dashboard gives high-level information at a glance—anywhere, anytime.
  • Automate access privileges: CS Gold version 7 supports active director (LDAP) integration for automated access assignments. This makes it easy to assign access privileges based on information such as housing assignment, department, etc.—no human intervention required.
  • Wireless Thermostat Control: Allow patrons to control and monitor their thermostats using a web app from a desktop or from any mobile device.

“The Gold 7 dashboard shows how your system is performing from a high level. Our office gets requests for data all the time and with the dashboard you can pull that information very quickly and satisfy those requests,” said John Bonass, Assistant Director, University Card Systems, Villanova University.

Riding the Technology Wave

CS Gold version 7 also provides significant upgrades in server technologies, supporting Windows 2012 R2, Oracle 12c (now with Linux option), Microsoft clustering, and Crystal 2013.

“Having the Linux option has absolutely made my life easier,” said Jason Rossi, Director, One Card and Campus Security, University of San Francisco.  “We were able to move our database administration in house, allowing us to achieve a significant cost savings,” he continued.

Student Success is in the Cards

Building upon CS Gold’s long history of making student services easier to access, version 7 takes a card system’s role in student success to the next level.

“When we hear the words ‘student success,’ many of us think of academics and job placement. But a campus card system is a powerful investment in rolling out easily accessible services that help students access the funds and services they need while keeping their focus on their education,” says CBORD President Max Steinhardt. “Our customers are excited for CS Gold version 7 not just because it brings the latest  technologies, but also because it includes features like residence hall visitor management, room reservations, a business intelligence dashboard─ features that were designed based on real market needs to help our client’s achieve their goals of ‘next-level’ service.”


CBORD serves colleges and universities, healthcare facilities, corporations, senior living facilities, supermarkets, and a host of other market segments. CBORD's products are used in campus ID card privilege control, access control, integrated security, housing services, food service, catering, nutrition services, online ordering, and other institution-wide activities. Founded in 1975, The CBORD Group serves more than 6,000 clients in the U.S., Canada, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East, New Zealand, and Australia. To learn more about CBORD, visit www.cbord.com.