Tewkesbury, UK - 23 October 2006: Satamatics, the global provider of satellite-telematics, asset tracking and monitoring services, has connected it's 100,000th subscriber, through it's distribution partner, Track 24. This milestone illustrates a 43% annual increase in new activations and a 47% increase in network airtime traffic.
Tom Tipple, VP Business Development for Satamatics, comments: "We think that 100,000 users on our network is an important milestone for Satamatics as it confirms that the market for our services is growing and that our enhanced satellite tracking technology is the preferred choice for reliability, performance and cost. We are working hard to maintain and accelerate the growth and the team is understandably proud of the progress. Our success is down to the fact that we can offer a unique and flexible service and our customers know that they can rely on us to provide the data they need wherever they are in the world, and at any time."
The 100,000th Satamatics user, Track 24 is a prime example of the industry-segments now applying satellite tracking and telemetry to important commercial applications. Satamatics is seeing substantial increases from transport, logistics, military and defence, security and remote asset monitoring applications mainly in South America, Middle East and the Far East.
Tim Grant, Chief Executive Officer of Track 24, which provides worldwide tracking, monitoring and crisis management solutions comments, "The reliability of the Satamatic's service is one of the key reasons we're adopting it in more and more solutions. Our customers include security, defence, oil & gas, mining, construction and engineering businesses worldwide and although satellite-tracking technology is certainly more mainstream in 2006, there are still huge variations in the reliability of solutions. We simply cannot deploy solutions that might not work".
Satamatics offers a unique and flexible service that enables organisations to locate, track and communicate with mobile assets, safeguard fleets, cargo and personnel, and monitor fixed assets in the most hostile and remote terrains in the world. The company owns and operates the only Inmarsat D+ data network providing high performance access to the Inmarsat constellation of satellites. Combined with its own highly-evolved satellite modems, this provides a highly reliable yet affordable method of tracking and monitoring assets.