Get on the PSIM Bandwagon

Sept. 9, 2014
Security management platforms offer dealers and integrators new and growing revenue opportunities

Many security end-users have to manage a flood of information in the course of doing their jobs. Video and access control systems are getting larger, which means there are more cameras and access points to monitor. Security departments also have to manage inputs from numerous sensors and information sources that can impact a company’s security stature. Security is the end-point of so much information that many end-users find it difficult to handle all the data, not to mention to make sense of it — to analyze it, quantify it and translate it into specific actions.

Technology solutions on the market can help your customers effectively manage the information from their various systems using a single interface that guides them to an appropriate response. The solutions can also help security departments quantify the impact of various threats to the organization, which makes the enterprise more secure.

New physical security information management (PSIM) systems compile existing sensors and systems into a centralized platform, providing operators an overarching view across all systems and devices, combining disparate data streams into unified interfaces and user-friendly dashboards. For end-users, PSIMs introduce new operational efficiencies that can provide a fast return on investment (ROI) and easy cost justification.

Five Advantages of Security Management Systems

Many of your large enterprise customers have a definitive need for these systems, but some dealers/integrators are not up to speed when it comes to installing and maintaining them. It is a missed opportunity. Here are a few ways you can tap into new business opportunities using security management and situation awareness platforms.

1. Integrate multiple systems into one platform. The industry has for years touted the value of combining multiple systems into a unified whole; however, truly delivering on customer expectations of “integration” has been a challenge. PSIMs and related security management platforms can deliver on the long-time promise of integration in the marketplace. For example, situation and security management platforms work with dozens of technology partners to ensure the close integration of a range of access control, video analytics and biometrics, IP cameras, software platforms, servers and storage, mobility and environmental technologies and more. These solutions can also incorporate legacy systems that provide relevant data to complete the entire security picture.

2. Open the doors to new system add-ons and integrations. Once a customer has bought into the concept of an overarching system that spans the breadth of an enterprise’s security needs, many opportunities for new business can result. Integrated with various technologies, security management software systems provide a rich opportunity for new business through add-on systems and additional integrations. An integrator positioned as a system supplier will reap additional rewards as an enterprise grows and its security needs change. The installer of the PSIM becomes seen broadly as supplier of security systems in general, and the business opportunities continue to grow. Over time, additional data sources can be integrated, and new modules, applications and solutions can be added to advance security intelligence. For dealers, each integration is a new opportunity for business and a new way to deliver value to the customer.

3. Grow your customer network and your revenue. An integrator positioned as an integrated software supplier offers a new point of differentiation both with existing and new customers. Customers talk to each other and benchmark their security processes, and if a dealer/integrator is successful with an installation, word will spread. Security and situation awareness software platforms can be useful for companies of all sizes, but it is often the larger companies that embrace newer technology approaches, so resellers can thrive by positioning themselves early as the go-to supplier of the newest cutting-edge approaches. Physical security data is increasing across the board, so demand is sure to expand, and a growing network of satisfied customers will translate into even more business.

4. Foster a long-term partnership to help a customer today and in the future. What business doesn’t love “sticky” customers? Security management solutions can help to build, expand and enrich customer relationships over time. Because situation management platforms can accommodate changing security needs, integrators that sell and install them simultaneously position themselves over the long-term to serve customers’ changing needs. An integrated software system installed today is like an investment in the future — for the customer and for the integrator. As customers experience first-hand the benefits of these systems, they will begin looking for additional ways they can leverage their operational advantages and increased efficiency. Even security platforms that start small can grow and evolve to meet changing customer needs. At every step in the process, a security management package can enable a reseller to reinforce the value of their partnership with the customer — and add incremental business.

5. Expand your understanding of the broader needs of the enterprise. Current customers of security dealers and integrators need to unify and consolidate management of physical security information, but they may not be aware of the availability of systems capable of delivering on those needs; thus, education is critical. The benefits of security management systems extend beyond the security department — and integrators should seek to expand their list of contacts within each customer company. The CEO, CTO or someone with a broader vision of company operations might be the one to truly embrace the benefits of these systems to the larger enterprise. Resellers should reach out. Ask existing customers to make introductions. The effort is an extension of getting to know the customer better, and looking for more ways to serve their needs.

Untapped Market Potential

Today’s security management platforms integrate various devices and solutions, including mobile phones, GPS tracking, communications, mass notification, license plate recognition, face recognition, weather, radar, access control, panic alarms, intrusion detection, fire, video management and video analytics. Managing each of these inputs increases the value of situation awareness solutions, even as the list of related systems opens new opportunities for integrators now and in the future. Beyond greater operator efficiency, integrated security software platforms also enhance security response times and effectiveness. They can also ensure training and compliance and lower the overall cost of security infrastructure.

Many enterprise customers are faced with evolving security profiles that include increased risk, compliance and regulation. At the same time, the amount of data they face is multiplying, and customers need a way to analyze the growing streams of data and filter through the “noise” to get the most relevant security and operational information to make informed, immediate decisions.

Security management systems transform a customer’s security operation, making it more efficient and effective, and in the end, boosting the overall security of the customer. Positioned to provide these benefits to their customers, security dealers and integrators are well equipped to expand their level of service to existing customers and also to tap into a new and widening pool of customers who critically need the technology. It is a market with huge upside and largely untapped growth potential. Smart integrators should take note.

Omer Shavit is Product Manager for Verint Video & Situation Intelligence Solutions. To request more info about the company, visit

About the Author

Omer Shavit

Omer Shavit is Product Manager for Verint Video & Situation Intelligence Solutions. To request more info about the company,