Outpost24 introduces Exposure Management Platform to reduce attack surface risk

June 11, 2024
Through a single platform, businesses can address the complexities surrounding modern attack surfaces with continuous, constant, and clear visibility of their IT environment.

Outpost24, a leading provider of cyber risk management and threat intelligence solutions, introduced its Outpost24 Exposure Management Platform, an integrated exposure management solution that empowers organizations to continuously monitor and proactively remediate threats against the growing attack surface.

The Outpost24 Exposure Management Platform is a dedicated exposure management offering that enables increased efficiency and powerful protection designed to enhance the overall security posture of businesses. Through a single platform, businesses can address the complexities surrounding modern attack surfaces with continuous, constant, and clear visibility of their IT environment, which includes internal, external, and cloud-based apps and infrastructure.

Gartner named Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) a top trend for 2024, and The Outpost24 Exposure Management Platform enables all steps of Gartner's definition, which includes scoping, discovery, prioritization, validation, and mobilization to proactively reduce risk and increase resiliency.

With The Outpost24 Exposure Management Platform, organizations can avoid security concerns by harnessing the following capabilities:

  • Gain a consistent and clear view of their attack surface, including internal, external, and cloud-based apps and infrastructure.
  • Lower the chance of a data breach from business-critical applications with deeper and more frequent assessments of discovered assets.
  • Minimize exposure windows with automated security assessments of every application and infrastructure asset powered by custom workflows.
  • Reduce business risk with prioritization that goes beyond CVSS ratings, based on threat-informed exploitability and red team validation.
  • Access to forum resources on pressing needs with user-friendly interface, enabling business priority mapping and APIs that can connect to internal remediation processes and systems.

“We are excited about the direction of the Outpost24 Exposure Management Platform,” said Karl Thedéen, CEO at Outpost24. “This comprehensive solution is designed to enhance organizational security postures by addressing the complexity of today’s attack surfaces.”

“Organizations face a lack of visibility into their rapidly expanding attack surfaces, an endless number of vulnerabilities that no organization can ever fully remediate, and disconnected prioritization lists across many tools. Our platform simplifies the management of security risks by consolidating these efforts, not only improving security postures but also optimizing resource allocation, making it an essential solution for any security-conscious organization.”

“Organizations looking to implement a Continuous Threat Exposure Management program are in need of a solution that helps reduce the burden of aligning their security programs along business value and active threat priorities,” shared Brendan Hogan, Chief Strategy Officer at Outpost24. “Our platform is one of the most comprehensive CTEM solutions on the market. Our customers are very excited about how our platform meets their needs and the direction we are headed.”

The Outpost24 Exposure Management Platform capabilities include External Attack Surface Management, Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing as a Service, Automated pen testing and Red teaming, and Identity and Access management.

To have a live demo of Outpost24’s Exposure Management platform, please click here.

To learn more about Outpost24’s comprehensive product offering, please click here.