John Angove joins FireKing Security Group

June 18, 2008
Angove becomes senior vice president of asset protection company

FireKing Security Group, one of the premier asset protection companies in the nation, recently announced the addition of John Angove as a Senior Vice President, where he will direct sales of cash-handling products, Image Vault digital video, and field services for the company. A 30-year industry veteran, Angove is named in several key patents issued for the secure cash-handling and transportation solutions. In his new role, Angove will be focused on continuing FireKing Security Group's continued expansion in this segment, especially in the area of cash vault outsourcing and provisional credit offerings for banks and retailers.

Previously, Angove has been an independent consultant where he specialized in re-engineering cash-handling offerings and initiatives for various manufacturers and resellers. Prior to that, Angove held various senior management positions AT Systems/Garda, where he played a significant role in the development of several successful cash-handling product lines.

In his new position with FireKing Security Group, Angove will be based at the company's corporate headquarters in New Albany, Ind.

Angove began his professional career in the cash-handling industry in 1977 with Brandt, Inc., a leading manufacturer of cash-handling equipment and supplies (now a subsidiary of the De La Rue Corporation). He is a member of the Association of Financial Professionals and is a popular speaker and panelist at industry events and conferences.

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