Digital Marketing: More Important than Ever

May 11, 2020
With foot traffic down to nothing, here are three ways to ensure customers can still find your business
This article originally appeared in the May 2020 issue of Security Business magazine. When sharing, don’t forget to mention @SecBusinessMag!

In today’s world, maintaining a digital presence is one of the most important things you can do for your company. Many are finding out the hard way that when foot traffic is low, having digital authority can make or break your business.

For those who are thinking: “My customer demographic doesn’t search the web” – think again. More than one in three of the American labor force are Millennials, and another one-in-four are Gen Zers – making them the largest generation contributing and making purchasing decisions. These digital natives have a set of expectations that companies must meet to receive their business. They are conditioned to search and receive the information they are looking for. If access to a company’s website and social media is hard to obtain, they will look elsewhere.

For those who think they do not have the time to update their digital footprint, consider two scenarios. The first is a company that gives digital marketing a backseat – they sit it out and wait until they cannot wait any longer. The second is a company that spends time updating its website with relevant information their customers are seeking, obtaining reviews, posting updates, developing a digital strategy and most importantly, building relationships. Which one will come out ahead?

The good news is that there are plenty of easy steps to take to ensure your company is on the digital map. Here are three great ways to start shifting your business online:

1. Create a Google My Business profile. Creating this profile is very simple and enables you to control the information people initially see when they search for your company. It does not require much upkeep or content creation – simply log into the Google account associated with your business (or create one if you do not already have it); then, go to and select “Start now.” Enter your business name, address, the types of services you provide and how you can be contacted. Select how you want to verify your business with Google and your listing will be published upon verification.

2. Update your website for SEO. Your website is the modern-day brick-and-mortar for people searching online. There is a sense of validity associated with your website that helps millennials decide if your business is legitimate or not. They may easily find your site – especially if you have created your Google business profile – but if they arrive and do not see the information they are looking for, they will return to searching for other valid options.

At a minimum, make sure your site clearly states what your company does, and a contact you more information. Consider adding your address as well, which will help your business appear when people search for your specific services in their location. Once you have completed the basics, continue adding content to your site that you know people are searching for to increase your page ranking and drive more traffic to your site.

3. Build a social media presence. Social media is another great way to increase your brand awareness and connect with customers. Having a strong social media presence tells customers that your company is active and that having an open line of communication is important to your business. It also provides a channel for you to show customers you are a strong thought leader in the industry. Use this tool to show your expertise in the market and sway followers to learn more about your business.

With more than half of the world’s population on social media, your company can’t afford to be in the dark. Find out where the majority of your customers are spending their time and begin building a profile there.

Hannah McDermott is marketing coordinator for PSA Security Network. Request more info about PSA at

About the Author

Hannah McDermott

Hannah McDermott is marketing coordinator for PSA Security Network. Request more info about PSA at