Recruiting Roadmap: 4 Ways to Improve the Hiring Process

Aug. 12, 2021
In this competitive recruiting market, making the process as smooth as possible is the key to filling open positions
This article first appeared in the August 2021 issue of Security Business magazine. When sharing, don’t forget to mention Security Business magazine on LinkedIn and @SecBusinessMag on Twitter.   

Of all the setbacks to our confidence that we will take in a lifetime, getting blown off is probably the most upsetting. Whether personally or professionally, getting stood up is not enjoyable.

A growing problem that has crept up on security integrators over the past several months is the infamous “no call no show.” Companies are getting ghosted left and right by candidates who have accepted other offers, decided the job is not right for them, or worse, they just do not want to come to work.

There are many causes of candidates dropping out, so to get to the root cause, it may take a little investigation. While there is not a “one size fits all” solution, there are several measures companies can take to make their hiring process more seamless.

In this market, great talent can feel impossible to capture at all levels. By improving the communication, providing timely follow up, and giving applicants the respect they deserve, companies are certain to see a solid increase in the number of jobs being filled (and it will happen much faster too).

1. Improve the interview process: Remember that the candidate experience starts from the very first touchpoint. Whether that is coming from the CEO, HR, or even an external recruiter, it is paramount that a positive experience happens at every stage. If using an agency, make sure they are telling the company story correctly, not making any false promises, and setting expectations correctly. A bad experience at any point in the process can lead them to dropping out of consideration.

2. Treat applicants respectfully: This one goes without saying but you would be surprised. In today’s market, candidates have a low frustration tolerance. Unresponsiveness, lack of feedback, missing scheduled interviews, joining video calls late, or even an excessively lengthy interview process can send a bad signal to a potential candidate. Candidates tend to take jobs where they feel appreciated in the process. People want to work with people who value them and show them respect. 

3. Shrink the time between interviews: The old sales adage is “time kills all deals” – and recruiting and hiring is not immune. Momentum is critical in the interview process. Going a week or two with no feedback or direction on what is next in the hiring process can lead to a significant candidate drop off. When people make decisions, too much time can cause indecisiveness and uncertainty. The longer it festers, the worse the outcome.

Whether a candidate is waiting on an offer letter, waiting for a reply to determine the next interview, or waiting for an initial phone screen after applying, it is important to keep the process moving in a timely manner. Of course, vacations and other events that might stand in the way of interviewing, so the best advice is to communicate the timeline early and clearly, so candidates do not feel pushed to the wayside. 

4. Give Feedback: Many times, a candidate will leave an interview and not be 100% confident that they know how it went. When an interview is concluding, hiring managers should make it a standard practice to tell candidates their feedback and what the next step in the process will be if there even is one. This does two things: it reinforces interest level for candidates that are a fit and it quickly and honestly pushes away candidates who will not make it to next steps. Interested candidates will be at ease knowing they still have a horse in the race and are more likely to continue knowing the interest is there.  On the flip side, it might be awkward to let a candidate know they will not be moving forward in the process, but at the very least they will respect the transparency.

Ryan Joseph is an Executive Recruiter for Recruit Group (, with a focus on security industry operations, sales, and sales leadership. For help with your security recruiting efforts, contact her at [email protected] or call (954) 278-8286.

About the Author

Ryan Joseph

Ryan Joseph is the VP of Security and Public Safety Technology Recruiting at Recruit Group, specializing in operations, sales, and sales leadership from Entry Level to the C-Level. Mention this article and receive a free 30-minute hiring consultation. [email protected] - (954) 278-8286