Insider Intelligence: Post-Pandemic Customer Service

April 17, 2023
How to help your team handle the rapid changes that often must be communicated to clients

This article originally appeared in the April 2023 issue of Security Business magazine. When sharing, don’t forget to mention Security Business magazine on LinkedIn and @SecBusinessMag on Twitter.

The challenges before us are greater than ever since the pandemic. We have all learned a lot as we have adjusted post-pandemic. As long as we are adaptable, we can navigate these challenging times and maintain exceptional customer service from the top down.

There is no doubt that consumers see how technology has transformed customer experience expectations. Customers do not want to hear "no" when it comes to requests.

How do you create an entire organization aligned to set clear expectations? Supply chain issues are still very prevalent. How are you managing your messaging? The employees on the front lines, taking all the calls and emails, are likely feeling more overwhelmed than ever. How can you keep employees motivated, which will help to ensure your customers receive the personal touch customer experience?

Start with Technology

It is probably no surprise that your customers expect Amazon-like technology. While there is always an initial expense in implementing new technology, the benefits will come back tenfold if appropriately planned. Customers will always tell you what they want to see, especially if you ask them. Make sure your people providing customer service have a voice. Their leader should be the one to champion the technology efforts. Ensure you are investing in technology that will make a difference to your customers, make things easier for your employees, and allow them to focus on the things that need their personal touch.

The “Where's My Stuff” Era

At PSA, we have lovingly referred to the last two years as the "where's my stuff" era. Supply chains have been out of whack. This area of customer service is one where everyone in your organization must be involved. The first customer contact and every interaction afterward must set clear expectations. Integrators have the most success striving for an under-promise, over-deliver approach. They aren't trying to win the sale by saying they are the fastest; instead, they assure the customer that they will get it done as fast as possible to establish a level of trust.


Have you gotten up to speed on multi-sourcing? It makes sense to continue to want to work with products you always have, but if you are going to survive and future-proof a business, you need a Plan B and C – as many plans as necessary to ensure success. Make efforts to find products and solutions to fill the needs where others are not.

Caring for Your Team

How does this impact a customer service team? Everything written here affects how customers view your customer service. We all know that inquiries have significantly increased in the past several years, and the "where's my stuff" era is not over. In the meantime, we have to take care of the customers so they can continue to take care of their customers.

The ability to be nimble in ever-changing times greatly impacts your customer service level. Exceptional customer service must come from the top down. It must be a company philosophy, and you must be able to adapt quickly. Only some people are cut out to be in a customer-facing role, so put the right people in the right places. Invest in building them and giving them the tools they need. Listen to them. Reward them. Take care of them, and they will take care of your business.

Praise goes a long way. Incentives only work if they are meaningful, but spending money to make their lives easier or rewarding them can be invaluable. Your customers will feel that difference.

Mike Chagolla is Director of Customer Success for PSA Security Network. Request more info about PSA at

About the Author

Mike Chagolla

Mike Chagolla is Director of Customer Success for PSA Security Network. Request more info about PSA at