Novaira Insights


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Novaira Insights is dedicated to becoming a leading industry voice on video surveillance. The company offers fresh research into an industry currently undergoing its next major evolution into becoming a significant domain of the internet of things (IoT). 

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New market research provider Novaira Insights launches

Feb. 25, 2021
New company to cover video surveillance, physical security and the internet of things

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All content from Novaira Insights

(Image courtesy Novaira Insights)
This graphic from Novaira Insights shows current growth trends in the global video surveillance market.
Video Surveillance

Report: Global video surveillance market rebounds in wake of Covid-19 pandemic

July 6, 2022
Novaira Insights says market grew by over 16% in 2021 as lockdown measures eased
(Photo courtesy wellphoto/
The new Novaira Insights report, “The world market for video surveillance hardware and software,” shows that, outside China, the market for of video surveillance software and managed services continued to grow slightly in 2020, despite the coronavirus pandemic. Growth In the Americas was highest where revenues from video surveillance software and managed services grew 8.8%.
Video Management Software/VMS

Novaira Insights: Top 3 VMS firms accounted for a third of the total market outside China in 2020

Aug. 12, 2021
New market research shows that the market for video software and managed services grew last year despite pandemic
(Graphic courtesy Novaira Insights)
This graphic shows the world market for video surveillance hardware and software from 2019-2021.
Video Surveillance

Report: Video surveillance market proves resilient in wake of Covid-19

July 7, 2021
Research firm predicts global market will grow by over 14 percent in 2021 and be worth an estimated $24.5B