Podcast Recap: Interview with Paul Joyal, Part 1: How drone technology is changing the war front

Dec. 28, 2023
Paul Joyal discusses the Russia-Ukraine war, the increased usage of drone technology both to combat Russian incursion and to serve Russian military interests, and the harrowing tale of his near-assassination in 2007.

As Russia and Ukraine continue to struggle in a bitter stalemate, the war has reached a critical point. Advanced drone technologies are becoming increasingly commonplace in the field, and the Russian military has spared no expense in training its soldiers to use them to their fullest advantage. From this development, a new form of conflict has emerged that highlights the importance of electronic warfare now more than ever.

In this recent episode of Security DNA, host Steve Lasky of SecurityInfoWatch.com, alongside Paul Joyal, a former federal law enforcement officer with over 45 years of intelligence and security experience, discuss the Russia-Ukraine war, the increased usage of drone technology both to combat Russian incursion and to serve Russian military interests, and the harrowing tale of Joyal’s near-assassination in 2007.

Paul Joyal: “This threat is real, it’s now, and we must make sure that legal authorities are expanded so that they can take the steps necessary to protect these vital elements.”

With special attention to Russia and the former Soviet republics, Joyal has over 45 years of experience in security, intelligence, and international affairs. He served the US government with the US Capitol Police and the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence from 1979 to 1989 and has been cited as an expert source by many news outlets. His close ties with the Republic of Georgia led him to act as the country’s first lobbyist to the US government, and in 2005, he was decorated with the Georgian Order of Honor for his contributions to the country’s independence. Joyal is the author of Fifteen Years of Espionage and the editorial “Singling out Arab-Americans” and is currently serving as Managing Director at National Strategies Inc.

Learn how the Russia-Ukraine war may evolve over the next 12 months, the unique ways in which military drones are being utilized to develop new tactics and devastate infrastructure, and why the US needs to redirect its attention to electronic warfare to shore up its defenses.

Find this month’s episode of Security DNA here.


  • The state of the Russia-Ukraine war today,
  • How the Russia-Ukraine war will continue to impact US geopolitical affairs,
  • The importance of redirecting US military capabilities toward electronic warfare,
  • How Russia is gearing up to use military drone technology in its counteroffensives,
  • And why commercial drones may be adapted by counterintelligence agents for use against the US.


About the Author

Samantha Schober | Associate Editor

Samantha Schober is associate editor of SecurityInfoWatch.com.