Podcast Recap: Interview with Paul Joyal, Part 2: AI on the battlefield, cyberwars and global terrorists

Feb. 12, 2024
Steve Lasky and Paul Joyal discuss cyber warfare, AI on the battlefield, and the impact of terrorism on domestic security.

Amidst a cacophony of geopolitical conflict and rising technological fears in the West, the rapid advancement of cyber warfare has become impossible to ignore.

Cyber threats are no longer precursors to war – cyberattacks are now being coordinated with missile strikes, drones come with built-in AI targeting systems, and deepfake voice clones have the potential to shake the foundations of military intelligence and biometrics.

In the second part of Security DNA’s intense interview with Paul Joyal, an authority on foreign intelligence with over 45 years of experience in intelligence and security, host Steve Lasky of SecurityInfoWatch.com discusses the increased prevalence of cybersecurity threats on the battlefield, how foreign militaries are utilizing AI to automate drone surveillance and create convincing deepfakes of the opposition, and the impact that terrorism has on domestic security.

Paul Joyal: “The use of cyber is now an integral part of the kinetic battlefield.”

With special attention to Russia and the former Soviet republics, Joyal has over 45 years of experience in security, intelligence, and international affairs. He served the US government with the US Capitol Police and the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence from 1979 to 1989 and has been cited as an expert source by many news outlets. His close ties with the Republic of Georgia led him to act as the country’s first lobbyist to the US government, and in 2005, he was decorated with the Georgian Order of Honor for his contributions to the country’s independence. Joyal is the author of Fifteen Years of Espionage and the editorial “Singling out Arab-Americans” and is currently serving as Managing Director at National Strategies Inc.

Find this month’s episode of Security DNA here.


  • How cyber terrorists are piggybacking on the geopolitical unrest in Gaza and Ukraine,
  • Why cyberattacks are becoming mainstays of modern battlefield strategy,
  • The rise of AI to both pilot drones and clone the opposition,
  • How conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East impact domestic security in the West,
  • The strategies foreign governments use to seed dissent and chaos amidst the conflict,
  • And how this chaos is impacting Jewish communities in the United States.